Scapple and scrivener
Scapple and scrivener

You might have a line coming from the character name to their description, another one relating to a plot point. Now you link these notes together with lines. Imagine you had a huge white board or sheet of paper on which to collect and collate your notes where you could link characters and plot points together, add notes about themes and make notes to yourself? You might ask yourself important questions such as “why is the character doing this?” or “what is the importance of this?” Or maybe note some physical characteristics: “Looks like a young Carrie Fisher”. So what is Mind-mapping? You may find you already unknowingly do it, but for the benefit of everyone, here are the basics. It is certainly not a tool for every project or one that suits the way every writer works, but it can be extremely useful in the planning stages of a story or novel.

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But despite its misleading name, mind-mapping does have a place in the writer’s toolkit. You imagine the phrase being used alongside “mind palace” without the slightest hint of humour. It sounds like one of those words that belong to those aforementioned sorts of writers.

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It is for this reason that you might not have really looked seriously into the concept of mind-mapping.

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They will wave a hand in the air and talk about their muse and their energies with such upmost seriousness you will wonder if they are trying to be a writer or a wizard. If you have been writing for any length of time it is inevitable that you have come across those writers who treat the act of writing as if it is bound in the realms of magic and mysticism rather than just being a lot of hard work and a case of bashing out one word after another.

Scapple and scrivener